No Interest Loans (NILs)
Ring Logan East Community Neighbourhood Association on 3808 4529 or email [email protected]
Program Details
No Interest Loans (NILs) are available for up to $2,000 (depending on affordability) for individuals on low income for items such as household essentials; health and wellbeing; education and employment; home repairs and vehicle registration and repairs (Note: please do not start any repairs before loan is approved).
Repayments are set at an affordable amount over 12 months with easy Centrepay deductions. There are no hidden fees or interest charges.
You can now apply for a loan by requesting a package through email, phoning the Centre on 4153 1614 or by obtaining the application documents here:
If you choose to download these documents and start the application process, please read the No Interest Loans Fact Sheet.
Is this for me?
To be eligible for NILs you must have:
- a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card or earn less than $57,000 a year (after tax) for individuals or $75,000 a year (after tax) for couples or people with dependents;
- lived at your current or previous address for at least 3 months; and
- the capacity to repay the loan.
If you are a non-permanent resident of Australia on a temporary protection visa or bridging visa you are also eligible for a NILs loan, however the loan term must not exceed the expiration date of your visa.