Adult English Program
Program Details
The Adult English Program is ideal for people from a multicultural background and members of the community wanting to improve their conversational English skills.
The program aims to develop individual learning capabilities and is designed in consultation with students to cater for their personal needs and goals while providing them with improved reading, written and spoken English skills.
The tutors endeavour to help students to reach a standard that will support them to seek employment and improve their community involvement.
Students work at their own pace in a non-threatening, friendly environment. The program includes reading, writing and spoken English and may include basic numeracy skills.
Is this for me?
Students will ideally be new or existing migrants to the region or, members of the community looking to improve their adult English skills.
The Program operates:
Monday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 am – 12:00 noon (During school terms only)
Small fees apply.